Tuesday, May 3, 2011

9/11/01 + 3406 is better late than never

I don't want to sound cold blooded on my first post, but like many of us around the world, I’m glad that Bin Laden is dead.  It took almost 10 years to hunt him down, but better that it took this long and that his life ended the way that it did and that such justice was done to him.  He had time to see that it was an American soldier taking his life and he had time to process fear, not unlike the fear that he instilled upon millions in the US and around the world.  He died appropriately and in that sense, it was worth the long wait.  It is bittersweet, but the sweet part is that we are now in a a post Osama Bin Laden world, we have left the bitterness of his life behind us.  May that be a greater cause of celebration for us than his life and deeds ever were for other violent extremists.

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